
Data and Identity: The Evolving Security Paradigm

As organizations continue to digitize and migrate operations to the cloud, developers continue to write code and develop software, and non-human entities proliferate, the volume of data generated, and managed, has grown exponentially. It is estimated that by 2025, the global dataverse will grow to over 181 zettabytes of data. 

Additionally, according to Gartner, by 2026 50% of governments worldwide will enforce use of responsible AI through regulations, policies and the need for data privacy. This surge in data and rapid AI adoption, has led to an alarming rise in security risks- of which users, both internal and external, as well as non-human identities, remain the greatest threat to business security. 

As a result, what is clear is that data and identity have emerged as the two fastest growing attack surfaces. This whitepaper outlines the pressing need for organizations to align data and identity protection in the face of growing security challenges. 

Download now to learn more! 


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