Protect and Back up Critical Data with Cyera and Cohesity

Oct 3, 2023
May 15, 2024
Sharon Shaked
Protect and Back up Critical Data with Cyera and Cohesity

Targeted ransomware and social engineering attacks can result in major losses for organizations, permitting threat actors to take control of and manipulate critical data. Without the proper visibility and backups in place, organizations face unexpected disruptions to the business while at the mercy of threat attackers.

Despite the risks, business operations must continue. For many organizations, that means continuing transactions that generate data, spinning up cloud workloads that automate IT processes, and collaborating on customer data that enable the sales process. 

To further support the business and security objectives of joint customers, Cyera and Cohesity have teamed up to provide visibility of data across the entire data estate, while ensuring that critical data is protected. This partnership will enable joint customers to strengthen their data security resilience, eliminate downtime, and accelerate recovery in the event of a disaster. 

By combining the best-in-class solutions for data security and backup and recovery, joint customers can expect the following benefits: 

Visibility of critical data

Cyera discovers and classifies data including sensitive, financial, and proprietary data that is both necessary for an organization’s day to day operations and important to safeguard for security and compliance purposes. While data may exist across different cloud delivery models or on-prem, Cyera provides visibility that cuts across these silos, providing a unified view of data. 

Context for intelligent action

Identifying the data is only the first step in your data protection, backup and recovery program. Large organizations with petabytes of data scattered across the enterprise have to decide what data needs to be protected and how it should be protected. Cyera is the leading AI-powered data security platform that contextualizes data, telling you not only the classification, but also details to determine what to do with the data. For example:

  • Cyera tells you the residency of data so that Cohesity can automate backup of data to the proper geographic hosting locations.
  • Cyera tells you the existence of copy and shadow data so that Cohesity can minimize data copies.
  • Cyera tells you about the presence of keys and other secrets data so that Cohesity can isolate the data in a data vault for increased security.
Continuous protection

Because data is constantly being created, modified, and moved, the risks to data are always shifting. To stay ahead of these risks, Cyera continuously scans datastores to uncover new and changing data, as well as exposures. Cyera monitors events that may indicate potential compromises to data, for example, when public access to sensitive data is enabled or when backup is turned off.

In the event that an incident occurs, Cyera generates real-time alerts to security teams, enabling them to take action and prevent further damage. With the alert from Cyera, teams can then utilize Cohesity to recover any critical data that was compromised, instantly restoring it to its original state. 

Safeguard Your Most Critical Data 

The combination of Cyera and Cohesity enables joint customers to bring under control the increasing data sprawl and improve their overall data security resilience with clear visibility to data and concrete protection measures. 

Cyera takes a data-centric approach to security, assessing the exposure to your data at rest and in use and applying multiple layers of defense. Because Cyera applies deep data context holistically across your data landscape, we are the only solution that can empower security teams to know where their data is, what exposes it to risk, and take immediate action to remediate exposures and assure compliance without disrupting the business. 

Cohesity is a leader in AI-powered data security and management. We make it easy to secure, protect, manage, and get value from data — across the data center, edge, and cloud. Cohesity helps organizations defend against cybersecurity threats with comprehensive data security and management capabilities, including immutable backup snapshots, AI-based threat detection, monitoring malicious behavior, and rapid recovery at scale. Cohesity solutions can be delivered as a service, self-managed, or provided by a Cohesity-powered partner.

To learn more about how you can benefit from the Cyera and Cohesity partnership, reach out to one of our experts today.