
Data Class, a Cyera Platform Webinar: How to Discover MIP Tag Mismatches with Cyera

Join the first inaugural episode of a new webinar series: Data Class, where we show IT professionals how to solve common data security challenges leveraging the Cyera platform.

Accurate MIP Tagging is essential for security and compliance ecosystem tools to operate; DLP, CASB, and eDiscovery to name a few. However, many companies have expressed concern in accuracy due to data-owned tagging or incomplete data classification processes.  In this Cyera platform webinar, you'll see in real-time how we continuously discover MIP Tag mismatches and ensure those mismatches are integrated with your workflow remediation architecture.

Join Shane Coleman, head of Sales Engineering at Cyera, for this hands-on demo of the Cyera platform, to learn how AI-powered data classification and contextual enrichment automatically identifies and remediates MIP tag mismatches to improve multi-cloud data protection and governance.

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